Cut Time

Westbrook Band is now using Cut Time as our database for all communication and finances. Cut Time can be accessed here:

By now, you should have received an email from Using the link on the email, you can sign into your student’s account to see the amount they owe in fees, required forms, or see upcoming events.

If you have been receiving emails from, then you are in the Cut Time system. You do not need to self-register. If you have not set up a username and password, or can’t remember your username, send an email to Mrs. Cervantes at You will be sent an invitation to set up a username and password or reminded of your username.

What is Cut Time?

Cut Time is a cloud-based group management tool that helps directors stay in touch with the students and parents in their fine arts program. Through various modules, your directors can communicate and manage each student’s ensembles, assignments, financial records, events, and much more!

What do I need to do as a Parent or Student?

  • Each Parent and Student will have a Cut Time profile created for them. Check for an email from that will give you instructions on how to set up your username and password and log in to your profile for the first time. Please contact us if you do not see this email by August 19th so we can verify your email address.

  • Once you have set up your username and password, please sign the bottom of this form to acknowledge that you have completed this step. Return to a band director

  • Note: Westbrook band students and parents have a separate Cut Time profile.


Mrs. Maloy & Mr. Andrada /